
Pets: 5 Big Benefits of Having a Furry Family Member in Your Home

April 3, 2018 by Fred
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What are the benefits of having a pet

We love our pets so what are the benefits of having a pet, We may not know all of the benefits that they bring into our lives. In this post we will share 5 big benefits of having pets in your home. Let’s jump right in!


1. Decreases Stress

As a pet owner, you could probably describe in detail the way your dog excitedly greets you when you get home from work, the way your cat brushes against your legs, or the way your horse meets you at the gate. Pets show a special kind of loyalty and understanding that helps us relax.

The simple task of caring for your pet, receiving their affection and not having to explain the things that you have been through can have exponential benefits. The companionship with your pet is simple and spending time with them is a great way to reduce stress.


2. Health

Therapy animals are used in the treatment of many different types of illness and disabilities. Horses, dogs, and other animals can be used to help patients with autism. Both dogs and cats have been used to detect low blood sugar in people with diabetes, signal the onset of a seizure in epileptic patients, and help many people suffering with depression. Pets also help with your overall health.

According to the National Institute for Health (NIH) there are heart related health benefits for pet owners. Lower blood pressure, cholesterol, and triglyceride levels are traits consistently seen in dog and cat owners. This can lower a person’s risk of a heart attack. Research also indicates that pet owners have faster recovery rates after major health occurrences.


3. Activity

Taking your dog for a walk, run, or bike ride. In the BMC Public Health journal, dog owners walk an estimated average of 22 minutes per day longer than non-dog-owners. They also found that dog owners often walk at a quicker pace, which increases your heart rate and helps the overall strength of your pulmonary system.

Dog owners aren’t the only people including their pets in their workouts. There is a “Goat Yoga” class that was started New Hampshire that challenges your balance in all new ways. Several outdoor fitness fanatics have found that cats make the perfect rock climbing companions. Pets can also be great in helping you keep a structured and productive routine, daily.


4. Allergies and Immunity

The idea of your child spending time outdoors playing with animals to fight allergies might seem counter intuitive, but in fact there is quite a lot of evidence that proves that it’s true. While adults who have an adverse reaction to pet dander may not see improvement, young children can strengthen their immune systems by early exposures to pets.

University of Wisconsin-Madison pediatrician James E. Gern has conducted a number of studies that demonstrate having a pet in the home can actually lower a child’s likelihood of developing related allergies by as much as 33 percent. Children from the ages of 5-7 living in a home with pets were shown to have fewer sick days from school than those living without a pet.


 5. Socialization

Another benefit that pets have for children is socialization. Not only can having a pet guide a child in knowing how to care for and train them, but it can also help children learn to talk to people. Having your pet in public is an instant ice breaker.

As an adult there are ways to network with other pet owners. Whether it’s simply finding a friend at the dog park, joining a riding club, participating in a local pet costume contest, or joining an online community, people enjoy talking about their pets. We have all heard the saying,” I may not trust a person who doesn’t like dogs, but I always trust a dog that doesn’t like a person.”


If your pets are an important part of your home, we are happy to highlight some of the things that make them extra special.

We would love to be the people you trust with all of your mortgage questions. Reach out to us anytime you are thinking about buying a new home or refinancing you current home that hold all of your family and furry friends.




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