
Fall Home Improvement Ideas

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Fall Home Improvement

The Fall brings cooler temperatures which are ideal for taking on home improvement tasks. As the cooler temperatures approach, make a plan to add these home improvement ideas to your to-do list.



1. Think Windows and Doors

In the the summer windows and doors can swell in the hot and humid air. Swelling and sun damage can cause paint to crack, seals to deteriorate, and hardware to be damaged. As the weather cools down take a look at what may need to be cleaned, re-sealed, re-painted, or replaced on your windows and doors.



2. Energy Efficiency

Making your home more energy efficient is a wise investment that will pay you back in energy costs in the winter and summer. Fall, however could be the best time of year to make these home improvements. Adding insulation to your attic, garage, or basement is less taxing on your body during mild temperatures.

Other ways to make energy efficient home improvements:

  • Upgrading to energy efficient appliances, doors, and windows
  • Adding ceiling fans
  • Changing to energy efficient light bulbs
  • Replace water fixtures that are less efficient
  • Using power saving outlets
  • Installing a programmable thermostat
  • Solar powered outdoor lighting



3. HVAC Tune-up

Your HVAC system needs regular maintenance, and if it has been a while… it could be working harder than it should. Most home owners know that changing the air filters are a must, but the fall is a good time give your HVAC a little extra tender loving care.

Before you switch from cooling your home to heating it, consider vacuuming away any build up of dust that may be in the air ducts. Moisture can also build up on vents, which may require a day of deep cleaning to eliminate mold. This is also the best time to give your fireplace a quality check and cleaning.



4. Organize Your Storage

The heat of the summer is gone, which makes navigating the attic or garage a lot more comfortable. While you are preparing for the change in seasons, consider a few home improvements to your storage system.

Consider turning unused space like under the stairs or bed into a storage solution. Could hanging a few things in the laundry area or Garage help to keep things more organized? Or is your fall home improvement project motivation big enough to consider a room remodel?

If your Fall home improvement idea requires extra cash, we would love to talk to you about using your home equity with a Texas cash out loan. Click the red button below to get started today or learn more about “smart ways to use your home equity” in one of our previous articles.



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