
Great Service Guaranteed: Mortgage Customer Loyalty Program

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mortgage loyalty program

It’s no secret that our goal has always been to provide the best service possible to our customers. That is why we keep an eye on the market to let you know when you could benefit from refinancing. Our Customer mortgage loyalty program is an excellent example of our dedication to your success.


Buy a Home in the Current Housing Market


The housing market changes constantly. This means that when you buy your home, mortgage rates could be higher than they would be in 6 months or a year later. The difficulty is that the market can be unpredictable and waiting to buy when rates are low is a bit of a gamble.

With our customer mortgage loyalty program you can be confident that buying the home you want now and getting a great interest rate are both possible. When the market changes and lower interest rates are available, we will let you know when to take advantage by refinancing.


Take Advantage of the Customer Loyalty Program


There are several great reasons to choose us as your mortgage lender when you buy a home. Low rates, low fees, great service, and fast closing are a few, but the customer loyalty program is a benefit that saves you money when you need it most.

If rates ever drop below your loan, we will refund your appraisal fee on your refinance to demonstrate our gratitude to you as a returning customer. This is our way of rewarding our loyal customers and putting a few hundred dollars back in your pocket.


Earn a Refund on the Appraisal Fee


The value of your home will change as the market changes. This means that your home will need to be appraised for the current market value to refinance your mortgage.

This is the main upfront cost of refinancing your mortgage, but as a returning customer we have great news for you. After your Texas Lending mortgage refinance closes, we will refund the full amount of the appraisal fee.*

Our Customer Loyalty program is designed to help us serve you better. If you are ready to buy a home or a customer looking to refinance, reach out to us today to get started.



Terms and conditions apply. Texas Lending is an equal housing lender. This is not a commitment to lend or extend credit. Programs, rates, terms and conditions are subject to change without notice. All rights reserved. Contact us for details. NMLS #137773, 4100 Alpha Road, Suite 300, Dallas, TX 75244.


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